
Hammer Nutrition Rocks

Hammer Nutrition is a good site with lots of fuel/training info. Excellent products, order up, use my account. New refferals score 15% off. Just call 800 336 1977 Hammer order line, tell them Heath sent ya. Acct# 96496 HAMMER SITE

HEY BUCKO! I spent mucho time putting this site together. And you've obviously spent time here. I don't have google ads and not trying to make money. Just trying to help a fellow biker......all I ask is, and don't forget, mention acct #96496 sent ya when you order Hammer, we both get discount!! ....Thanks, Heath

1 comment:

GRIESE.J said...

well said. I put a post it on the monitor for the next time I order from hammer online.

Great Site. And best of luck.